Tuesday, 5 March 2013


This post is all about caring for the ummm delicate bits after circumcision.....

1 .Apply vaseline to the affected area after every nappy change
2. Mechurochrome, a few drops on the area at every nappy change. 
3. Using a combination of vaseline and graze powder
4. chloromax (anti septic eye ointment)
5. coconut oil
6. Bactroban

Mpumalanga Medical Directory

A list of medical professionals for the Mpumalanga compiled from the facebook group, Please feel free to comment and add doctors as well as your experience with them

Free State Medical Directory

A list of medical professionals for the Free State compiled from the facebook group, Please feel free to comment and add doctors as well as your experience with them

Monday, 4 March 2013

Khalas & Aunties

Every town and city has them- khalas and aunties who come to massage baby after birth. They help with bathing baby and shave baby's head on the 7th day. 

Nappy rash remedies

Tips on how to treat nappy

1.       Bepanthan and maizena
2.       Sudocream heals within 1-2days
3.       Corn starch sprinkled like baby powder
4.       Fissan Paste
5.       A barrier cream called Siopel mixed with clotrimazole, applied thrice daily