Friday, 1 February 2013

Naturally Inducing Labour – Natural Induction Methods By: Kelly Winder BellyBelly Creator, Mum & Birth Attendant

Chances are that if you’re reading this article, you’re late in your third trimester, overdue, ‘over’ being pregnant or trying to beat a planned induction date!
Natural methods of induction are a great way to try and stimulate labour or to ripen the cervix, especially if this means beating a medical induction or caesarean (should you not go into spontaneous labour beforehand).

Some may find the below methods effective and others not – none of them have a 100% success rate. This is mainly because babies do like to come when they are well and truly ready, be it earlier or later than your estimated due date! Only around 3-5% of babies are actually born on their due date, with the majority being born anytime from 38 to 42 weeks, which is considered full term. It’s a good idea to just state your ‘due date’ at 42 weeks and not 40 weeks.
According to a study on ‘The length of uncomplicated human gestation’ by the Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts, they found:
“For primiparas (first child), the median duration of gestation from assumed ovulation to delivery was 274 days, significantly longer than the predicted 266 days. For multiparas (more than one child), the median duration of pregnancy was 269 days, also significantly longer than the prediction. Moreover, the median length of pregnancy in primiparas proved to be significantly longer than that for multiparas”
Why hasn’t my baby come yet?
There are several reasons baby might not be ready to come, including
  • Miscalculation of estimated due date – ultrasound has a margin of error in regards to due date calculation, which is not based on your own, individual baby, but mathematics. Therefore dates may be miscalculated. This is especially the case in later ultrasounds when genetics take over and baby grows at his or her own rate.
The inaccuracy of ultrasound

First trimester: 7 days
14 – 20 weeks: 10 days
21 – 30 weeks: 14 days
31 – 42 weeks: 21 days
Source – The Lie of Your EDD
  • External or psychological factors – including the mother feeling stressed, in an unsafe environment or frightened. The effect of adrenaline in the body can potentially slow or stall your labour.
  • A medical or health problem. This is why it’s important you see your medical carer regularly when you are overdue. If you’re feeling stressed, overly-anxious or if you think external/psychological factors may be a problem, finding someone to talk to about this may help a great deal.
Important points to note prior to trying the below-mentioned methods are:
1. Get the ‘all clear’
It’s important to have the all clear from your medical carer, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition.
2. Make sure the therapist is qualified/experienced
It’s very important to ensure that the person treating you is qualified, and is knowledgable in pregnancy and labour aspects of their therapy. If they do not have appropriate training or knowledge of pregnancy and birth, this may be unsafe as extra care must be taken when pregnant and in labour. So if they are unsure, find someone who is sure. If you are in Melbourne, the BellyBelly Pregnancy Centre has therapists who are specialised in pregnancy and labour treatments.
3. Be informed
It’s also important that you make sure you are well informed in regards to the details of each method, as reasearch is ever changing and some methods may not be suitable for you, especially if you have a pre-existing condition. A properly qualified therapist may have some information or recommended reading for you.
Methods of Natural Induction
1. Sex
Sex is a commonly suggested method of natural induction due to semen containing prostaglandins – which help to ripen the cervix. Recently a study has found that intercourse made little difference to inducing labour and no cervical changes were evident. Personally I wouldn’t expect any changes to happen when you know you are part of a study and I don’t think I would find it very relaxing to know that I was to have sex, then report in for an internal! Our bodies are very sensitive to hormones and just like our blood pressure can shoot up when we go to see the doctor, labour can also be inhibited, stall, stop and even go backwards when we enter a hospital or somewhere unfamiliar or if we are feeling nervous or anxious.
The study also cited an analysis of 59 studies that found no association between sex and pre-term birth, pre-mature rupture of the membranes (PROM), or low birth weight in low-risk pregnancies, so rest assured it is safe to have sex throughout pregnancy unless you are high-risk or your doctor has recommended otherwise.
However, sex can a great way to relax, and contrary to the study, many mothers have found that they have gone into labour after having sex, especially during early labour – they found things to step up a notch. Even Ina May Gaskin, a long time natural and homebirthing advocate doesn’t think too much of this study as she has seen otherwise.
Another common method of natural induction, the female orgasm, may be more useful – I wonder if there will be any complaints about that one?!
When a woman experiences orgasm, she produces oxytocin – the labour hormone. So while having intercourse seems to not be of much help, it can still play a role in the bigger scheme of things!
2. Acupuncture
From one who has a fear of needles but dared to try acupuncture (and never even flinched during the process!), I would say to those who are considering acupuncture but are afraid of needles to definitely give it a go. The needles are very fine, you really don’t feel a thing – but I know it’s hard to imagine needles not hurting!
Acupuncture has been used very successfully for thousands of years to induce women who are over-due in their pregnancy.
Andrew Orr, a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner in Queensland, specialises in fertility, pregnancy and gynaecology. He has researched his findings extensively and had them published in several leading medical journals. He says, “Most of the time one treatment is all that is needed to get the process going. Sometimes a second treatment may be needed. Through continual research, we have found that induction using acupuncture generally works within 6-48 hours of having your treatment.”
There have been some studies on acupuncture and it’s effect on inducing labour – see an Australian research report here which showed that using acupuncture to stimulate labour in overdue mothers to be had a success rate of 88%.
Although acupuncture has been, and still is, a very useful tool for induction, Andrew admits that acupuncture isn’t effective 100% of the time. “Sometimes it just doesn’t work effectively enough. As they say in China: ‘When the fruit is ready, it will fall off the vine’. Sometimes this saying applies to pregnancy.”
Andrew says his 88% success rate with induction using acupuncture is mainly due to clients receiving regular treatment throughout their pregnancy and specialised expertise in this field. Andrew says that such fine tuning allows them a much easier and pain reduced birth, as well as making it easier for them when it comes to induction.
To be eligible for induction acupuncture you must be at your estimated due date or after, unless otherwise recommended by your doctor or midwife. Whilst there is no risk from having acupuncture for induction, it does help speed up your natural processes. Therefore you must consult with your doctor or midwife before any induction. This is to protect all persons involved, most of all your baby.
The Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners in the BellyBelly Pregnancy Centre (VIC) offer induction acupuncture and is the most popular treatment they perform.
3. Acupressure
Debra Betts has put together a brilliant document on acupressure for pregnancy, labour and post birth, with solutions for all sorts of situations, from encouraging labour to vomiting and nausea in labour. You can download a copy here and if you see a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, they can show your partner how to apply acupressure as well as treat you at the same time with a variety of great techniques which TCM practitioners use.
4. Evening Primrose Oil (EPO)
Evening Primrose Oil is another ‘cervix ripening’ method. EPO helps by imitating prostaglandin can be used orally and/or internally.
A usual oral dosage is 2-3 of 500mg capsules daily from 36 weeks. If you are taking EPO internally, you can do this from 36 weeks – simply insert 2-3 capsules directly to the cervix before bed. You might like to wear a pad or liner as it can get messy when you get up.
5. Homeopathics
There are some homeopathic remedies available to help encourage labour, however you will need to consult a qualified homeopath for more information on dosages.
6. Nipple Stimulation
Nipple stimulation produces oxytocin and can produce some strong effects, so you can try stimulating your nipples (including your areola, as a baby would when sucking) with your fingers, massaging one at a time. An alternate option is if you are still feeding a toddler, let him attach and the sucking action will do the same thing.
Massage the first nipple for 5 minutes (when there are no contractions), then wait to see what happens (around 15 mins or so) before doing more. It’s a good idea to take your mind off things by getting on with your usual duties than sitting and waiting for something to happen – so try and keep busy!
Once labour is well established again, stop the stimulation.
7. Castor Oil
Before trying castor oil, I highly recommend you do your research and speak to your medical carer. There’s lots of conflicting information about castor oil and it’s use for natural induction.
Castor oil causes diahorea for the mother which may be unpleasant and if you do go into labour, it can be messy. Often in early labour you will have diahorea – this is the body’s own way of clearing out and making space for baby, but sometimes this doesn’t happen, especially if baby isn’t yet ready and given the signal for labour to start.
On the other hand, I have also heard stories where a post-dates mother had been suffering from constipation and labour had stalled – upon taking the castor oil, she was able to go to the toilet, labour progressed and all went well.
Some believe castor oil will also stimulate the bowels of the baby and result in the passing of meconium. There have been trials which say otherwise, and some that tell us that there is no proof that the castor oil even circulates to the baby. So a tricky one – definitely make sure you consult your medical carer on this one and please do your research.
Those who have used castor oil have taken it straight or in orange juice – 1-4 tablespoons over two doses. If you really want to do this, start on the lowest end of things.
8. Sweeping Membranes / Stretch & Sweep
Sweeping the membranes involves your medical carer gently seperating the membranes from the cervix by vaginal exam. This may be a little uncomfortable for some women and on the other hand, some have said they didn’t feel much at all. Some spotting or bleeding may occur as a result and some find they have irregular contractions after a sweep. However it has been shown to be quite effective.
A sweep will be performed on women who are at term and have no other complications, e.g. placenta praevia.
9. Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh is a herb used to encourage contractions and facilitate labour. It should be avoided in pregnancy and is better taken in early labour. Please consult a naturopath before taking Black Cohosh as the wrong dose may cause problems. BellyBelly has two naturopaths working in the BellyBelly Pregnancy Centre.
10. Raspberry Leaf
Raspberry Leaf is a uterine tonic, which also has added benefits after the birth for breastmilk production.
Some women like Raspberry Leaf tea, however if you don’t like the taste or want a specific, stronger dose, you might like to buy some from your health food store. It’s generally recommended anytime after 12 weeks in a healthy pregnancy – make sure you check with your medical carer and a naturopath for doses and to see if it’s appropriate for you.
11. Spicy Food / Curry
Again, spicy food and curry gives some people the runs, so another one to think twice about if this is you!
12. Induction Massage
As with induction acupuncture, induction massage can be given on or after your due date. The massage therapists (who should be experienced in induction massage) work on acupressure points which are normally avoided during pregnancy, which can trigger labour. As with normal massage, induction massage helps to relax and calm your body, easing tension and helping to create a clear and grounded space. The therapists also may use essential oils which can assist with labour induction. It’s generally a very successful form of labour induction if the body/baby is ready and the mother is willing.

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