Tips on how to get rid of those pesky little buggers that buzzZZZ
round your ears at night keeping you up more than a newborn baby and to top it
all leave you with red bumps all over. Followed by ways to treat the bites
1. Citronella
cream available from Dischem
2. Mosquito
net from an outdoor shop rather from an interior shop.
3. Raid plug
4. Spray
blue doom in the room before baby goes to sleep
5. Vanilla
extract or vanilla essense on the pulse points
6. A bowl
with vanilla essence next to the bed, 15ml should last for a week
7. Bennets
mosquito stick
8. Zanza no
spray by chicco
9. Tabard if
the baby is bigger
10. Peaceful
sleep plug
11. Mix a few
drops of citronella essential oil in an unscented cream
12. White
camphor cream
13. For the
bites rub vinegar or Anthisan ointment
14. Citronella
patches from Baby City and stick on the cot
15. Chicco
anti mosquito plug, runs on batteries, saving on electricity and useful for
keepins flies at bay, available at Baby City
1. Elizabeth Anne, Purity Range has an Arnica Gel
2. ResQue Cream from Annique for baby
3. Citro cream from Dishem
4. Savlon added to bath water, this also keeps the bugs away
5. Vinegar
6. Tea Tree Oil
7. Lavendar Shades Floral Water- Geranium
Though mosquitoes commonly breed during the wet season, it doesn't mean that they aren't out during any other season. They are always there and would always be. Mosquito nets are a saving grace to keep those annoying insects at bay, but we have to make sure to clean the places where they are most likely to camp in. Thank you for your tips. I could use some of them after cleaning up and avoid getting bitten in the process too. Maurine Roe