Monday, 18 March 2013

Flu and cold fighting remedies

With winter season round the corner in South Africa, flu season is almost here. Here are tips for keeping moms and babies healthy during this sniffly, body aching time and coughing time 

1. 1 cup hot water, quarter lemon, tsp honey and some ginger. Leave to brew, strain and drink
2. Take a block of camphor, crush it add 1 clove. Wrap in a piece of cloth and sew the ends. Pin to your clothes close to your chest. Helps to draw out the cold from your body
3. Honey and tumeric helps for cough
4. Vicks under the feet at bedtime
5. Drink a lot of fluids, water 
6. Increase your VitC intake, increasing the dosage when it you feel the illness coming on
7. take Echina Force tablets during Winter and high risk periods
8.Diet is key, make sure you eat enough fresh fruit and veg daily. And a good vegetable soup for when you sick. 
9.For my children, Scotts emulsion, Viraway and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables as well.
10.Take zeit habet el baraka with warm water and honey
11.  Karvol drops / rub best for babys bloked nose , tussytots for cough , damezin /rinex for runny nose
12.   Salex saline drops for the baby's nose is good

Home remedies for coughs
1. Eat Liqourice 
2.Slice onion and pour honey over and leave it closed 4 a few hours. Have the liquid a few times a day
3.Mint leaves infused in hot water - keep lid closed - can also add boiled lemon grass water - sweeten with honey - drink as hot as possible
4.1tspn honey 1tblspn apple cider vinegar mixed in quarter cup warm/hot water is good for coughs

Recipe of Dr Vawda (from Ladysmith) 's ointment

for colds n flu, to rub on babys chest n back

2tblsp Eucalyptus Oil, 2tblsp Camphorated Oil, 1tblsp Vicks, 2tblsp ZamBuk, 1tblsp Vaseline. Bring all the ingr 2 boil and cool in container. 
Warm before use!

Immune Boosting
As yuck and gross as this sounds, try eating fresh garlic. Try putting it in a chutney. Also good at keeping vampires at bay. 

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